Insurance Script


The purpose of this script is to give you guidance in negotiating the insurance process and ensure that our time together is covered by your insurance plan.

Call the member services number on the back of your insurance card and ask:

Does my plan cover outpatient nutrition counseling? (Procedure codes 97802 and 97803) Y or N

How many visits per year are covered by my insurance plan?

Do I have a deductible to meet before insurance pays? Y or N

  • If yes, how much?

    Will I have a co-pay or co-insurance? Y or N

  • If yes, what will it be?

    Do I need a physician referral? Y or N

  • Note, if you need a physician referral this must be done at least one week prior to our session.

    Is Vision Nutrition in-network? If no, what are my out of network benefits?

Date of call: _________ Reference ID# ____________